Men’s Programs

  • William Penn University Men's Soccer Coach Simon BrownWilliam Penn University Men's Soccer Coach Simon Brown

    William Penn University Men’s Soccer – Coach Simon Brown

    On today’s episode, I speak with Coach Simon Brown from the William Penn University Men’s Program in Iowa. We talk about the main tournaments and camps he attends to see players. He describes the great athletic community they have on campus. Lastly, we discuss how his GAs and other coaches assist with the program.

  • Catholic University of America Men's Soccer - Coach Travis BeauchampCatholic University of America Men's Soccer - Coach Travis Beauchamp

    Catholic University of America Men’s Soccer – Coach Travis Beauchamp

    On today’s episode, I speak with Coach Travis from the Catholic University of America Men’s Program in Washington, DC. We talk about how camps show him more about a player than just video. He describes the rare campus feel in a big city that CUA has. Lastly, we discuss how his staff and GAs assist with the program.

  • university of st. francis men's socceruniversity of st. francis men's soccer

    University of St. Francis Men’s Soccer – Coach Jake Essig

    Today I spoke with Coach Jake Essig of the University of St. Francis Men’s Program, an NAIA school in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. We have a great discussion about how they approach recruiting and talking to players. We talk about the unique advantages his school has with its size and location. Lastly, we dive into their program and what it is really about.

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